
RFP For Dorrance Street Transit Center in Rhode Island

Progressive P3s aren’t necessarily limited to your typical megaprojects, nor is the concept of incorporating land value capture in a P3 procurement. Those two trends came together in a January 17th Request for Proposals for the Dorrance Street Transit Center project. The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) is procuring a predevelopment partner for a […]

Predevelopment Partner Selected for Potrero Bus Yard P3

This month, the San Francisco Metropolitan Transit Agency (SFMTA) moved its trailblazing Potrero Yard Modernization Project P3 forward by selecting Potrero Neighborhood Collective LLC, led by Plenary Americas, as its predevelopment partner. The long-awaited predevelopment award has been in the works since the SFMTA accepted original proposals for the project in late December 2020, and […]

New Ruling, New Law and No Tolls for PennDoT Major Bridge Program

It has been a challenging month for PennDoT’s Major Bridge Program. The P3 program itself is still alive and in predevelopment, but the tolls that would have funded the replacement and rehabilitation of nine major bridges across Pennsylvania are now off the table.

MD OP Lanes Bid Protest Ruling will Require New Response from MDoT

A ruling by Maryland Circuit Court Judge John Maloney will send a bid protest on MDoT’s OP Lanes predevelopment agreement back to the department for a response. MDoT had previously rejected some of the claims in the bid protest on the grounds that they were not filed on time. Judge Maloney’s ruling affirmed this determination […]