
High Frequency Rail to Test Progressive Model in Canada

Canada’s High Frequency Rail project, which will provide electrified passenger rail between Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City, is expected to be the largest infrastructure project in the nation’s history. It will also be a major test of the progressive P3 model, which has remained fairly nascent in Canada despite becoming much more prevalent in the […]

How Profits, Rather than Politics, Became the Consensus on Thames Water

The British people have a right to be angry at the state of their water industry. And they certainly are. The industry featured heavily among voters in the UK’s recent election campaign, which resulted in a sweeping victory for the Labour Party. Things have only gotten worse for the industry, and Thames Water in particular, […]

Preparing Transportation for Federal Insolvency

Many transportation organizations seem to be assuming that the federal funding levels of the IIJA legislation will be the new baseline in the 2026 reauthorization of the Highway Trust Fund. For example, the American Society of Civil Engineers recently put out a report claiming that not renewing IIJA would cost the U.S. economy $637 billion […]

Obstruction Pays? Big Federal Grant for I-83 Bridge Replacement in PA

When eight municipalities near the I-83 John Harris Memorial Bridge filed their lawsuit against the Major Bridge P3 Initiative, they could not possibly have imagined just how successful their attempt at obstruction would be. The 64-year-old I-83 bridge was one of nine bridges statewide that the initiative would replace, but their lawsuit won a temporary […]

Inglewood Transit Connector Gets Preferred Bidder, Politics

The Inglewood Transit Connector project passed a major procurement milestone in July, selecting Elevate Inglewood Partners (EIP) as the best value proposer for the project. EIP is led by Plenary Americas, with Tutor Perini as the lead contractor, Parsons Corporation as the lead design firm, Woojin Industrial Systems as the lead systems operator and supplier, […]

LAX APM Resolves Claims, New Start Date

The board of Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) approved a $400 million budget increase for the LAX Automated People Mover (APM) project. The board action also set a new delivery date for the project in late 2025, and approved a settlement for long-outstanding cost and delay claims for the project concessionaire, LAX Integrated Express Solutions […]

Commercial Close for Second School P3 in Prince George’s County

The second public school facility P3 in US history reached commercial close in July. It was procured by the same school district that procured the first one: Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS). The two P3s are Phase I and Phase II of PGCPS’s Blueprint Schools program, which was created to use alternative procurement to […]

Who’s Muddying Thames Water?

We Yanks are loathe to weigh in on the affairs of the British, and this is especially true with regards to infrastructure policy. His Majesty’s infrastructure agencies have long been considered the gold standard, and London a respected global center for infrastructure finance. The debacle presently unfolding at Thames Water, and the privatized UK water […]

NextGen Energy P3 at University of Maryland Reaches Financial Close

The NextGen Energy P3 for the University of Maryland reached financial close in June. The project will completely retrofit the campus central energy cogeneration plant, upgrade the campus’s steam distribution system for efficiencies, and replace some existing chilled water infrastructure with new electric chillers. The concession also includes 30 years of operations and maintenance of […]